The Parent Teacher Association for P.S. 175 – The City Island School provides enrichment programs and support services for all of the students, families, staff and faculty of P.S. 175.  This includes everything from character education, scholarships, buses for trips to teacher appreciation & staff holiday gifts.  Each year, the PTA formulates and approves a budget which sets the purpose for fundraising.  The budget can be adjusted and voted again throughout the year as needs and programs arise.  This is why any and all help is so important and much appreciated.

Here is a look at the budget that was approved at our meeting in June 2023  and revisited in September 2023.

PTA Budget 2023-2024 These are some of our fundraising ideas The Board has come up with. Some are from previous years and some are new ones we wish to implement.  You can participate in all or none of these or you can check out other ways to help or support the PTA by heading to the Get Involved page. You can always suggest fundraising ideas at any of out meetings or via our email.

 1. SCHOOL SWAG-Our biggest and newest fundraising idea comes in form of school swag gear! We are super excited to launch PS 175’s school spirit gear with the new school shark logo on t-shirts, hoodies, mask and magnets!  Head to over to our shop and check out our new merchandise that you will love.  Not only will you get a fantastic product, you will be supporting the PTA at the same time!

2. ELECTION DAY RAFFLE– this is one of our yearly fundraisers that helps support our kids and the school.  Check out the committees page to learn all about this fundraiser and how you can help. 

3. WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATE – an oldie but goodie. This is one of the easiest fundraisers to host.  PS 175 has not had this fundraiser in a while but we are happy to bring it back.

4. COOKIE DOUGH– this fundraiser did really well with its debut last year and we plan to bring it back.  This fundraiser would be totally digital for a limited time which makes it super easy to promote and host.  

5. CARD PARTY– This fundraiser is our biggest fundraiser!  It is held yearly in the Spring and is a whole lot of fun! It is a lot of work and we need a lot of help to plan, organize, and run this event.  We as a PTA will decide which event we would like to host-either Bingo or Card Party.  Take look at our committees page to learn all about this fundraiser and how you can help.

There are some more smaller ideas like socials and parents’ night outs that we would like to host.  Be on the lookout for those soon!