Cookie Dough Fundraiser
February 8, 2022 - March 4, 2022
We are launching the first fundraiser of the year and we couldn’t be more excited!! Last year, we introduced this cookie dough fundraiser virtually and we are excited to bring it back due to its success. This year, you will have the option to order online or send in payment with your child to school.
Find more than just cookie dough! Check out the catalog that will be sent home today. THE KIDS WILL EARN PRIZES, so the more you sell and share your child’s link, the bigger and better the prize!!
Orders can be shipped to the school or shipped home (shipping free w $75 purchase). The fundraiser will run from 2/8-3/4. Orders and prizes will arrive end of March. Thanks again for continuously supporting the PTA and the school! Any questions, feel free to reach out!
Click below for the school fundraiser page:

Dear Parent or Guardian:
This program offers a NEW way to fundraise via our organization’s secure site! Helping is easy as 1-2-3!
Please take a moment to review your fundraising materials
Join the Clubhouse by simply registering online
Set a goal to send at least 10 messages
YOU are able to make a tremendous impact in less than 10 minutes (that’s all the time it takes to Join & Send 10). If you are able and willing to do more, going above and beyond is encouraged and greatly appreciated. Please make a choice to make a difference.
Supporting this fundraiser is easy!

Shop for useful, quality items you’ll be buying anyways

Share info with family, friends, & co-workers safely

Simplify your money collection with EasyPAY
Text “PAYNOW” to 74590
Enter School Code
Shop or Donate
Make Secure Payment



Text School Code to 74590 or visit HERE then enter your school code below

Joining makes using text, email and Facebook faster and easier. Joining also qualifies you for amazing, valuable GIVEAWAYS!
Thank you in advance for your kind support!
¡Hola padres y tutores de PS 175!
¡Ya estamos de vuelta y listos para volver a trabajar! Estamos lanzando la primera recaudación de fondos del año. El año pasado, presentamos esta recaudación de fondos de masa para galletas de forma virtual y estamos emocionados de traerla de vuelta debido a su éxito. Este año, tendrá la opción de ordenar en línea o enviar el pago con su hijo a la escuela.
¡Encuentra más que solo masa para galletas! Consulta el catálogo que hoy te hará sentir en casa. LOS NIÑOS GANARÁN PREMIOS, así que cuanto más vendas y compartas el enlace de tu hijo, ¡más grande y mejor será el premio!
Los pedidos se pueden enviar a la escuela oa casa (envío gratis con una compra de $75). La recaudación de fondos se llevará a cabo del 2/8 al 3/1. Los pedidos y premios llegarán a fines de marzo. ¡Gracias de nuevo por apoyar continuamente a la PTA ya la escuela! ¡Cualquier pregunta, no dude en comunicarse!
Haga clic arriba a continuación para ver la página de recaudación de fondos de la escuela