We understand that some parents & guardians, as much as they would love to, don’t have time to volunteer in person at some of our fundraising events. One way that you can still contribute is to donate a raffle prize or baked good for our Election Day Raffle or Spring Fundraiser (Card Party ). This helps tremendously as we can use the donated item/good to raise money by raffling it off or selling it at the event. Raffles are big attractions for customers. Take a look at some items/baked goods that you can donate:
- movie basket or tickets
- money tree
- lottery basket or tree
- seasonal compilation or basket (i.e. summer, Halloween, Xmas, Easter etc)
- gift cards to restaurants or any major retailer
- cooking/baking compilation
- electronics are always great (kindle, iPad, game console, TV, iPods, etc.)
- lessons (i.e. dance, sports, music)
- appliances
- game basket
- wine basket
- pet basket
- spa basket
- book/reading basket
- art basket
- tickets (i.e. sporting events, concerts, escape room, any show)
- memorabilia
- baked goods-can be muffins, cookies, cakes, specialties & can be home baked or store brought
- any item or idea you may have are surely welcomed
Click here to sign up for a donation and leave your contact details and what you would like to donate. You can always donate money in lieu of an item or baked good which is just as helpful. Just click the PayPal link on the right and choose the amount you would like to donate. Thanks!